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Ethiopia for All Initiative.

Ethiopia for All Initiative (EAI) is a local Non- Governmental Organization (LNGO) founded in March 2020 by group of volunteer female friends, who have deep sympathy for the disadvantaged and vulnerable women and girls in Ethiopia. Each of board members working as a volunteer to brings different skills, knowledge and experience that together will help EAI.

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EAI and what it does

Join Your Helping Hands And Assist Us In Making a Difference In This World


    • Intergity: We realize the importance of INTEGRITY in executing such a huge responsibility, and put personal and corporate integrity above other concerns.
      Excellence: We have a culture of continuously striving for EXCELLENCE and for the best in everything we do.
      Human dignity: We are committed to make all categories of populations aware of their economic, social and cultural rights.
      Partnership: We agree to cooperate and advance our mutual interest with any partner.
      Accountability: We have an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for our stakeholder. We share information in transparent way.

    We aspire to see an economically strong and socially vibrant country where its strength comes from its society’s high productivity and interdependence.


    To alleviate poverty in all its forms through community engagement, capacity building and policy-based advocacy to address barriers facing vulnerable and at-risk women and girls, and people with disability.

    Organizational Background

    EAI working towards leading the way to achieve lasting development through community engagement, with special emphasis to women empowerment through collaboration with different actors (UN Agencies, Governmental Organization, International and Local Non-Governmental Organization, Civil Society Organizations, Corporate offices, Private Sectors and Individual’s Philanthropist).

    Strengthening Partnerships for Capacity Building

    To collaborate with various actors such as CBOs, CSO and Community members through hosting capacity building trainings, providing consultations on related policies, and engaging in research on diversity and inclusion.

    Empowering Vulnerable Girls in Education

    To work towards tackling the barriers that affect the success rate of vulnerable girls in peruse of their education.

    Promoting Hygiene, Sanitation, and SRH Awareness

    To increase family and public awareness on hygiene, sanitation and Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH).

    Empowering Women through Entrepreneurship

    To equip impoverished women and girls with entrepreneurial skills and connect them with the necessary resources to gain socioeconomic independence